
第壹部分: 選擇題( 占72分)
一 、 詞 彙 ( 占 10分)


The new stadium was built at a convenient           , close to an MRT station and within walking distance to a popular shopping center.答:D

  (A) vacancy (B) procedure   (C) residence   

(D) location


新體育館被建築在一個便利的        ,靠近捷運和走路就可到達一個有名的購物中心。

  (A) 空間 (B) 程序 (C) 住所

(D) 地方



The young Taiwanese pianist performed           well and won the first prize in the music contest.

  (A) intimately (B) remarkably (C) potentially (D) efficiently


這位台灣鋼琴家表演            好,並且在音樂比賽中贏得了第一名。

  (A) 親密地 (B) 引人注目地 (C) 有潛力地 (D) 有效率地 答:B



As thousands of new             from Southeastern Asia have moved to Taiwan for work or marriage, we should try our best to help them adjust to our society.

  (A) immigrants (B) messengers (C) possessors (D) agencies


隨著數以千計從東南亞來的新            移到台灣來工作或結婚,我們應該盡我們最大的努力去 幫助他們適應我們的社會。

  (A) 移民 (B) 信差 (C) 所有人 (D) 代理人 答:A



Although the manager apologized many times for his poor decision, there was nothing he could do to             his mistake.

  (A) resign (B) retain (C) refresh (D) remedy

  雖然經理對他粗劣的決定道歉了許多次,但是他也沒有辦法去            他的錯誤。
  (A) 辭職 (B) 保留 (C) 更新 (D) 彌補 答:D


Last winter’s snowstorms and freezing temperatures were quite              for this region where warm and short winters are typical.

  (A) fundamental (B) extraordinary (C) statistical

(D) individual


去年冬天的暴風雪和冰冷的氣候對這個地區是相當地          ,這個地區的冬天通常是短而溫暖。

  (A) 基本的 (B) 不尋常的 (C) 統計的 (D) 個別的 答:B


To overcome budget shortages, some small schools in rural areas have set up            programs to share their teaching and library resources.

  (A) cooperative (B) objective (C) relative (D) infinitive


為了要克服預算短缺,有一些鄉下地區的小學校已經建立了一些  ____  計劃以分享它們的 教學和圖書資源。

  (A) 合作的 (B) 目標的 (C) 相對的 (D) 無限的 答:A


After spending much time carefully studying the patient’s            , the doctor finally made his diagnosis.

  (A) confessions (B) symptoms (C) protests (D) qualifications


在花了許多時間仔細檢查了病人的     _   ,醫生終於做出了他的診斷。

  (A) 供認 (B) 症狀 (C) 抗議 (D) 資格 答:B


The universe is full of wonders. Throughout history, people have been            by the mystery of what lies beyond our planet.

  (A) notified (B) complicated (C) fascinated (D)suspended



  (A) 通知 (B) 複雜 (C) 著迷 (D) 中止 答:C

(have been fascinated 是現在完成被動式)


The president’s speech will be broadcast           on television and radio so that more people can listen to it at the time when it is delivered.

  (A) comparatively (B) temporarily (C) simultaneously (D) permanently


總統的演說將會在電視和收音機        被撥放,因此當它被撥出的時候更多的人能夠聽到。

  (A) 比較地 (B) 暫時地 (C) 同時地 (D) 永久地 答:C



In order to expand its foreign market, the company decided to             its products and provide more varieties to the customer.

  (A) exceed (B) dismiss (C) retrieve (D) diversify


為了擴張它的國外市場,公司決定       和提供更多樣式給顧客。

  (A) 超過 (B) 遣散 (C) 取回  (D)多樣化 答:D

the company decided to diversify its products and (to) provide more varieties to the customer.

二、綜合測驗( 占10分)

第11 至15 題為題組
The telephone is widely considered as the most rapidly evolving technological device today. Many experts in the field believe that future phones will not only look very different -- they may not even be _11_. They may be hidden in jewelry or accessories, or even embedded in the body. They will undoubtedly have a lot of additional features and _12_  functions, and users may interact with them in new ways, too. _13_ they are still called “phones” -- a word meaning “voice” in Greek—making voice calls may no longer be their primary function. With advances in contemporary design and technology, the phones may _14_ remote controls, house keys, Game Boys, maps, flashlights, health monitors, recorders, handguns, and so on. _15_, they will be “the remote-control for life.”

11. (A) heard (B) sold (C) changed (D) seen
12. (A) remote (B) scarce (C) novel (D) accidental
13. (A) As long as (B) Even if   (C) Just as (D) Only when
14. (A) call for (B) Even if   (C) relate to (D) serve as
15. (A) In short (B) As yet (C) relate to (D) On the contrary

      電話被普遍認為是今日進步最快的科技發明。在這個領域中的許多專家都相信未來的電話不但看起來會非常地不一樣  – 它們有可能甚至不會被  _11_。它們可能被藏在珠寶或裝飾品中。它們毫無疑問地有許多另外的特點和_12_功能,而且使用者在許多方面也可以和它們互動。_13_它們仍然被稱為”電話” – 這個字在希臘文的意思是”聲音” – 打聲音的電話也許將不會再是它們主要的功能。隨著當代設計和科技的進步,電話可能會_14_遙控器、房屋鑰匙、遊戲機、地圖、手電筒、健康測量器、錄放機、手槍等。_15_,它們將會是”生活的遙控器”。

11. (A) 聽到 (B) 出售 (C) 改變 (D) 看到 答:D

12. (A) 遙遠的 (B) 稀少的 (C) 新奇的 (D) 意外的 答:C

13. (A) 只要 (B) 即使 (C) 正如 (D) 只有當…時候 答:B

(if是一個從屬連接詞,even if 即使)

14. (A) 需要 (B) 克服 (C) 相關

(D) 當作


15. (A) 簡要地 (B) 仍然地 (C) 順便地 (D) 相反地 答:A

第16 至20 題為題組
The fruits and vegetables we eat often come in distinctive colors. The rich colors, _16_, are not there only to attract attention. They perform another important function for the plants. Research shows that the substances _17_ these colors actually protect plants from chemical damage. The colors come mainly from chemicals known as antioxidants. Plants make antioxidants to protect themselves from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light, _18_ may cause harmful elements to form within the plant cells.
When we eat colorful fruits and vegetables, the coloring chemicals protect us, too. Typically, an intensely colored plant has _19_ of these protective chemicals than a paler one does. Research on how chemicals in blueberries affect brain function even suggests that these chemicals may help our own brains work more _20_. In other words, eating richly colored fruits and vegetables makes us both healthier and smarter.

16. (A) almost (B) rarely (C) however (D) relatively
17. (A) capable of (B) different from (C) inferior to (D) responsible for
18. (A) which (B) that (C) what (D) such
19. (A) more (B) less (C) most (D) least
20. (A) obviously (B) diligently (C) efficiently (D) superficially

      我們吃的水果和疏菜通常有它特別的顏色。鮮艷的顏色,  16  ,它不儘只是吸引注意而已。它們對植物有其他重要的功能。研究顯示,這些 _17_ 顏色的物質實際上是保護植物免於化學傷害。這些顏色主要來自一種抗養化劑的化學物。植物製造抗養化劑來保護它們免於太 陽的紫外線,_18 _ 會在植物的細胞內產生有害的元素。

      當我們吃鮮艷的水果和疏菜時,這些顏色化學物也保護我們。通常鮮艷顏色的植物較蒼白顏色的植物有 _19_ 這些保護性的化學物。有關藍莓含有的化學物如何影響腦部功能的研究顯示這些化學物也許可以幫助我們的頭腦工作的更 _20_。換句話說,吃鮮艷顏色的水果和疏菜使我們更健康和聰明。

16. (A) 幾乎 (B) 極少 (C) 然而 (D) 相對地 答:C


17. (A) 有能力的 (B) 不同的 (C) 比…次級的 (D) 造成….的原由 答:D

18. (A) which (B) that (C) what (D) such 答:A

Plants make antioxidants to protect themselves from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light, which may cause harmful elements to form within the plant cells.


which 和 that 都是關係代名詞,但是由於關係代名詞前面有逗號”,”,這是「非限定用法」,which可以用「非限定用法」,that不可以;所以要選which;請參見文法書p.224)。

19. (A) 較多 (B) 較少 (C) 大部分 (D) 最小 答:A

Typically, an intensely colored plant has more of these protective chemicals than a paler one does.


(...more...than...      ...較...多...)

20. (A) 明顯地 (B) 聰明地 (C) 有效地 (D) 表面地 答:C

... that these chemicals may help our own brains work more efficiently.

    主詞 動詞 受詞 不定詞 副詞

使役動詞(文法書p.136) help 後面的不定詞 to work 省略了 to;
more efficiently 是副詞的比較級(文法書p.325);
副詞 efficiently 修飾不定詞 work

第21 至30 題為題組

    Recent studies have shown that alcohol is the leading gateway drug for teenagers. Gateway drugs are substances people take that _21_ them to take more drugs. Alcohol works directly on the central nervous system and alters one’s moods and limits judgment. Since its way of altering moods (changing one’s state of mind) is generally expected and socially acceptable, oftentimes it _22_ over drinking.
Habitual drinkers may find alcohol not stimulating enough _23_ and want to seek other more stimulating substances. _24_ a circumstance often preconditions teenagers to the possibility of taking other drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or heroin. Another reason why alcohol is the main gateway drug is that the _25_ of teenagers it can affect is very wide. It is easily accessible in most societies and common in popular events such as sports gatherings and dinner parties. 

21. (A) lead (B) leads (C) leading (D) led
22. (A) applies to (B) arrives at (C) results in (D) plans on
23. (A) in advance (B) after a while (C) in the least  (D) at most
24. (A) Since (B) As (C) All

(D) Such

25. (A) population (B) popularity  (C) pollution  (D) possibility

   近期的研究顯示,酒精是青少年主要的入門上癮毒品。入門上癮毒品就是人們食用的一些物質, 而這些物質會 _21_ 他們吸食更多的毒品。酒精會對中樞神經直接造成影響、改變一個人的情蓄和限制判斷力。由於它改變情蓄(改變一個人的心情狀態)的方式通常是可以預期和被社會大眾所接受,以致它經常 _22_ 過度飲用。
酗酒的人也許會發覺酒精度不夠刺激 _23_,而去尋找其他更刺激的物質。在 _24_ 的情況,通常使得青少年有可能去吸食其他的毒品例如大麻、古科鹼或海洛因。為什麼酒精是主要入門上癮毒品的另一個原因就是它可以影響青少年的 _25_ 是非常廣泛的。它可以在大多數的社交活動中取得,在一般的活動例如運動聚會和晚宴也很普遍。

21. 答:(A)

Gateway drugs are substances (that) people take that lead them to take more drugs.

  主詞 動詞 先行詞 主詞 動詞 主詞 動詞 受詞 不定詞片語
    主要子句   從屬形容詞子句 從屬形容詞子句

子句(that) people take 的主詞是people;that是受格,所以可以省略;文法書p.223
子句 that lead them to take more drugs 的主詞是 that,它的動詞 lead 要和先行詞substances 一致;substances是複數名詞,所以現在式動詞要用原型動詞 lead;文法書p.54

22. (A) 應用 (B) 抵達 (C) 造成…結果 (D) 計劃 答:(C)

23. (A) 事先 (B) 過了一陣子 (C) 最起碼 (D) 最多 答:(B)

24. (D)

(such是形容詞,such a circumstance 如此的一個情況)

25. (A) 族群數量 (B) 普遍流行 (C) 污染 (D) 可能性 答:(A)

第26 至30 題為題組
A new year means a new beginning for most of us. On December 28th last year, the New York City sanitation department offered people a new way _26_ farewell to 2007. For one hour on that day, a huge paper-cutting machine was set up in Times Square so people could _27_ their lingering bad memories. Everything from photos of ex-lovers to lousy report cards could be cut into small pieces, as the organizers had announced _28_ the event. Recycling cans were also provided for items such as _29_ CDs and regrettable fashion mistakes. Former school teacher Eileen Lawrence won the event’s $250 award for the most creative memory destined for _30_. She had created a painting from a photo of her ex-boyfriend, who Lawrence was happy to say goodbye to.

26. (A) bid (B) to bid (C) bidding (D) bidden
27. (A) destroy (B) maintain (C) dislike (D) create
28. (A) until (B) prior to (C) above all (D) beforehand
29. (A) available (B) amusing (C) annoying (D) artificial
30. (A) machine (B) machines (C) a machine (D) the machine

      新年對我們大多數人而言是一個新開始。在去年12月28日這一天,紐約市政府環境清潔處提供人們一個新的方式對2007年 _26 說_ 再見。那一天有一個小時,有一個具大的碎紙機被架設在時代廣場讓人們可以_27_他們殘餘的壞回憶。不論舊男友的照片還是討厭的成積單,什麼東西都可以被切為碎片,就像主辦單位在活動_28_宣佈的一樣。也有提供回收桶給那些例如_29_ 的光碟和不想再穿戴的服飾等物品的丟棄。一位以前當過學校老師的人Eileen Lawrence 以   30 這個機器  銷毀了 最有創意的回憶而贏得了250美元的獎金。她以前任男友的照片製作了一幅畫,這位男友 是Lawrence很高興向他說再見的男友。

26. 答:(B)

…, the New York City sanitation department offered people a new way to bid farewell to 2007.

  主詞 動詞 間接受詞 直接受詞 不定詞片語

to bid farewell 是一個不定詞片語;文法書 p.129

27. (A) 銷毀 (B) 保持 (C) 不喜歡 (D) 創造 答:(A)

28. (A) 直到 (B) 在…之前 (C) 最重要、首先 (D) 事前 答:(B)

例如 prior to (在…之前), inferior to (較…低劣), junior to (較…年幼) …;文法書p.256
…, as the organizers had announced prior to the event.
prior to the event 是在這個活動(event)之前。
答案中 beforehand也是事先的意思,但卻沒有”和…比較、在…之前”的意思,所以不能選。)

29. (A) 可得(買)到的 (B) 有趣的 (C) 討厭的

(D) 人工的



30. 答:(D)

destined for the machine 是指給前面提到的那一台具大的碎紙機 (a huge paper-cutting machine)銷毀,所以要加定冠詞 the,表示特定;文法書p.264

三、文意選填( 1 0 分)
說明:第31至40題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分,答錯或劃記多於一個選項者倒扣1/9分,倒扣到本大題之實得分數為零為止。未作答者,不給分亦不扣分。

第31 至35 題為題組

      Athletes and sports competitors compete in organized, officiated sports events to entertain spectators. When playing a game, athletes are required to understand the strategies of their game and _31_ the rules and regulations of the sport. The events in which they compete include both _32_ sports, such as baseball, basketball, and soccer, and individual sports, such as golf, tennis, and bowling. The level of play varies from unpaid high school athletics to _33_ sports, in which the best from around the world compete in events broadcast on international television.
Being an athlete involves more than competing in athletic events. Athletes spend many hours each day practicing skills and improving teamwork under the _34_ of a coach or a sports instructor. They view videotapes not only to critique their own performances and _35_ but also to learn their opponents’ tendencies and weaknesses to gain a competitive advantage. Some athletes work regularly with strength trainers to gain muscle and to _36_ injury. Many athletes push their bodies _37_ during both practice and play, so career-ending injury always is a risk. Even minor injuries may put a player _38_ of replacement. Because competition at all levels is extremely intense and job security is always unstable, many athletes train year round to maintain _39_ form and technique and peak physical condition. Athletes also must _40_ to strictly controlled diets during their sports season to supplement any physical training program.

(A) conform (B) prevent (C) obey (D) guidance (E) excellent
(F) techniques (G) professional (H) team

(I) at risk

(J) to the limit

      運動員和運動選手在官方舉辦的各項運動活動中競爭以娛樂觀眾。當比賽的時候,運動員必須要瞭解他們的戰略和 _31_ 這個運動的規則和規定。在這些他們競爭的項目中,包括 _32_ 運動,例如棒球、籃球、足球;和個人項目,例如高爾夫球、網球和保齡球。比賽的程級從沒有報酬的高中運動員至 _33_ 運動都有,從世界各地來的最出色運動員在各項比賽中被國際電視撥放。
作為一個運動員比在運動比賽中競爭要付出更多。運動員每天要花許多時間練習技巧和加強團隊合作,在教練或運動指導員的 _34_ 下。他們看錄影帶不但要評論自己的表現和 _35_,也要學習對手的技巧和弱點以獲得比賽的優勢。有些運動員定期和體力訓練師合作以增強體力和_36_傷害。許多運動員在練習和比賽的時候都趨使他們的身體 _37_,因此(能讓他們)結束事業的運動傷害始終是一項風險。即使是一個小受傷也可能使一個運動員被替代的 _38_。由於在各個程級的競爭都是非常的激烈,職業保障永遠是不穩定,許多運動員終年的訓練以保持_39_的狀態和技術和體能的巔峰。當他們在運動季節中,運動員也必須 _40_ 嚴格地飲食控制和去補充(參加)任何的體能訓練計劃。

31. 答:(c) obey    v. 服從

..., athletes are required to understand the strategies of their game and (to) obey the

  主詞 動詞 不定詞片語 對等連接詞 不定詞片語

rules and regulations of the sport.


to understand和 to obey都是不定詞,用 and 連接,obey前面省略了to;文法書p.330

32. 答:(H) team    n. 團隊

team sports  團隊運動

33. 答:(G) professional    adj. 職業的

34. 答:(D) guidance    n. 指導

under the guidance of a coach…在教練的指導之下

35. 答:(F) techniques   n.技巧

36. 答:(B) obey    v. 避免

to gain muscle and (to) prevent injury.;文法與31題相同,to prevent省略了to

37. 答:(J) to the limit 是一個介系詞片語 「到極限」

38. 答:(I ) at risk of 是一個介系詞片語「…有…的風險」

39. 答:(E) excellent    adj. 極好的

40. 答:(A) conform to 是一個片語動詞,表示「遵從」



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四、篇章結構( 10分)
說明:第34至34題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (E) 選項中分別選出最適當者,填入空格中,使篇章結構清晰有條理,並將其英文字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得2分,答錯或劃記多於一個選項者倒扣1/2分,倒扣到本大題之實得分數為零為止。未作答者,不給分亦不扣分。

第41 至45 題為題組
It is impossible to imagine Paris without its cafés. The city has some 12,000 cafés varying in size, grandeur, and significance. The cafés are like an extension of the French living room, a place to start and end the day, to gossip and debate.
_41_ The oldest café in Paris is Le Procope. It was opened in 1686 by Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli, the man who turned France into a coffee-drinking society. _42_ By the end of the 18th century, all of Paris was intoxicated with coffee and the city supported some 700 cafés. _43_ By the 1840s the number of cafés had grown to 3,000. The men who gathered in these cafés and set the theme of the times included journalists, playwrights and writers. Around the turn of the 20th century, the sidewalk cafés became the meeting halls for artists and literary figures.
_44_ The artists gathered at the café may not be as great as those of the past, but faces worth watching are just the same. _45_ You’ll see the old men in navy berets; ultra-thin, bronzed women with hair dyed bright orange; and schoolchildren sharing an afternoon chocolate with their mothers. The café in Paris has always been a place for seeing and being seen.


When did the cafés in France start?


Linger a bit and you will see that the Parisian stereotypes are still alive and well.


Nowadays in Paris cafés still play the role of picture windows for observing
contemporary life.


These were like all-male clubs, with many functioning as centers of political life and discussion.


Le Procope attracted Paris’s political and literary elite, and thus played an important part among the upper class.

      巴黎若是沒有它的咖啡店是很難想像的一件事情。這個城市大約有12,000家咖啡店,大小、豪華和知名度都有不同。咖啡店就好像是法國人的客廳延伸,是一個從早到晚聊天和談論的地方。_41_ 巴黎最早的咖啡店是Le Procope。它在1686年由Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli開店,他將法國轉變成一個喝咖啡的社會。_42_ 到了18世紀末,整個巴黎陶醉在咖啡中,這個城市約有700家咖啡店。_43_ 到了1840年代,咖啡店增加至3,000家。這些人包括新聞記者、編劇和作家聚集在這些咖啡店中,建立了當時代的風潮。大約在20世紀初左右,人行道露天咖啡店成為了藝術家和文學人物聚集的場所。
_44_ 聚集在咖啡店的藝術家也許沒有以前的那些(藝術家)了不起,但是仍然有看頭。_45_ 你可以可以看到戴著貝雷帽的老人;身材苗條、晒的古銅色、頭髮染成橘黃色的女人;小學生和他們的媽媽在一起喝下午巧克力飲料。巴黎的咖啡店永遠是一個去看(觀光)和被看(觀光)的地方。










Le Procope咖啡店吸引了巴黎政治和文學的箐英,在上流社會扮演了一個重要角色。

41 (A)      42 (E)      43 (D)      44 (C)      45 (B)

五、閱讀測驗( 32分)

第46 至49 題為題組
The Lego Group had a very humble beginning in the workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter from Denmark. Christiansen began creating wooden toys in 1932. Two years later, he stumbled on the Lego name by putting together the first two letters of the Danish words Leg and Godt, which mean “play well.” The name could be interpreted as “I put together” in Latin; it also corresponds to the Greek verb meaning “gather” or “pick up.”
In 1947, the company expanded to making plastic toys. At first, the use of plastic for toy manufacture was not highly regarded by retailers and consumers of the time. Many of the Lego Group’s shipments were returned, following poor sales. However, Christiansen’s son, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, saw the immense potential in Lego bricks to become a system for creative play. As the junior managing director of the Lego Group, he spent years trying to improve the “locking” ability of the bricks and made the bricks more versatile. In 1958, the modern interlocking brick design was finally developed and patented.
Today Lego is sold in more than 130 countries. Every minute 33,824 Lego bricks are made, and kids around the world spend 5 billion hours a year playing with Lego. There will be more than 400 million people playing with Lego bricks this year. On average, every person in the world owns 62 Lego bricks, and about seven Lego sets are sold every second.
This year Lego fans all over the world are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the tiny building blocks. Though already 50 years old, Lego is still the same product it was in the 1950s. Bricks bought then are still compatible with current bricks and that is probably the reason the toy has never fallen out of favor.


Which of the following is true about the name Lego?


(A) It is a combination of Greek and Latin words.


(B) It was created by Ole Kirk Christiansen’s son.


(C) It was created in 1947 for naming the plastic toys.


(D) It came from Danish words meaning “play” and “well.”


When did the Lego brick become as a creative form of toy?


(A) 1958

(B) 1947 (C) 1934  (D) 1932


Which of the following is true in describing the popularity of Lego?


(A) More than 5 billion people in the world own Lego sets.


(B) Children spend an average of 62 dollars on Lego bricks each year.


(C) People in the world spend 400 million hours playing with Lego every year.



The Lego Group now produces more than 30 thousand toy bricks every minute.


What is most likely the reason why Lego still remains popular?


(A) Old Lego bricks may still be connected to new ones.


(B) The company hasn’t changed its name since 1947.


(C) The material for the bricks has proved to be safe.


(D) The price of the toy is relatively reasonable.

      Lego集團是在Ole Kirk Christiansen(一位來自丹麥的木匠)的工場中從一個微不足道的開 始。Christiansen在1932年開始開發木製玩具。二年後,他從丹麥文Leg 和  Godt的前二個字 母偶然拼湊出Lego這個名字,它的意思是”好好地玩”。  這個名字用拉丁文也可以解釋成”我 組合起來”;它在希臘文也可對照成”集合”和”撿起來”的意思。
在1947年,這家公司擴充為生產塑膠玩具。起初,在那個年代用塑膠製造玩具並不被零售商 和消費者看好。許多Lego集團的出貨都被退回,接著也賣的不好。然而,Godtfred Kirk Christiansen (Christiansen的兒子)看到Lego積木成為一種系統創意遊戲有極大的潛力。作為 一位執行經理,他花了幾年時間改良積木緊密銜接的能力和積木的多變化功能。在1958年, 新型可以互相咬合的積木設計終於被他被發展出來和申請專利了。
目前Lego被銷售至130個國家。每分鐘有33,824個Lego被生產出來,全世界的兒童每年花50 億個鐘頭在玩Lego積木。今年將會有超過4億人玩Lego積木。平均起來,全世界每人有62個 Lego積木,每秒中約有7個Lego組合被賣出。 
今年全世界所有的Lego迷都在慶祝這個小積木的50周年。雖然已有50歲了,Lego仍然是1950 年代相同的產品。那個時候買的積木和現在的積木仍然相容,也許這就是這個玩具從未退喜好的原因。



  (A) 它是一個希臘文和拉丁文的組合字。 

(B) 它是被Ole Kirk Christiansen的兒子所創造的。


(C) 它是在1947年為了給塑膠玩具起名字而創造的。.


(D) 它是從丹麥文創造,意思是  “play” 和  “well.”





(A) 1958

(B) 1947

(C) 1934

(D) 1932 答:A




(A) 全球有超過50億人擁有Lego組合。


(B) 兒童每年平均花62美元買Lego積木。


(C) 全球的人每年花4億小時玩Lego。


(D) Lego集團目前每分鐘有超過3萬個玩具積木被生產出來。





(A) 舊積木仍然可以和新積木吻合。


(B) 這個公司自1947年以來沒有改過名字。


(C) 積木的原料被證明是安全的。


(D) 積木的價格是相對地合理。


第50 至53 題為題組
During my ninth-grade year, I suffered from anorexia nervosa. It was not enough to be thin. I had to be the thinnest. Now, however, fully recovered, I can reflect back and realize that my wishes were more complex than fitting into size five pants. Many of my subconscious emotions were related to my relationship with my father. As I was growing up, his work always came first. Sometimes I would not see him for up to two weeks. Not only did he devote his whole self to his work, but he expected me to do the same (“You cannot get anywhere unless you go to the best universities!”). Though, consciously, I never felt pressure to please him, I began dieting after the first time he told me I looked fat.
At the time, all I knew was that I had to be skinny—skinnier than anyone else. Every month my father went to Europe for a week or so and on the days he left, sorrow and emptiness consumed me: Daddy was leaving. Then, I turned to focus on a mysterious weakness—a helpless childlike emotion that came from starving. I liked to know that I needed to be taken care of; maybe Daddy would take care of me.
Now, two years later and thirty-eight pounds heavier, I have come to realize that I cannot alter my father’s inability to express his feelings. Instead, I must accept myself. I know that I am a valuable person who strives to achieve and accomplish. But I cannot strive solely for others. By starving, I attempted to gain pride in myself by obtaining my father’s approval or acknowledgment of my value as a person. But the primary approval must come from me, and I feel secure now that I can live with that knowledge safely locked in my mind.


What is “anorexia nervosa” as mentioned in the first paragraph?


(A) It is an inability to express one’s feelings.



(B) It describes a situation of feeling insecure.


(C) It refers to people who are emotionally unstable.


(D) It is an illness that makes one want to stop eating.



Why did the writer suffer from anorexia nervosa?


(A) She was told by her father to take care of herself.


(B) She wanted to go to the best university.


(C) She wanted her father’s attention.


(D) She grew up in a poor family.


Which of the following statements is true about the writer?


(A) She has problems controlling her tempers.


(B) She is proud of herself for working hard to succeed.


(C) She has had great confidence in herself since childhood.


(D) She has changed her father’s way of expressing himself.


What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

  (A) To blame her father.  
  (B) To report a case of child abuse.  

(C) To reflect on a stage of growing up.



(D) To teach people how to lose weight.


      當我9年級的時候,我得了anorexia nervosa。這真是怎麼瘦都還不夠。我必須是最瘦的人。然而,現在我完全復元了,我能夠回顧並瞭解我的願望不僅只是穿的下5號的褲子。我許多的下意識情緒和我與父親的關係有關。當我成長的時候,他總是工作第一。有時我2個星期都看不到他。他不但完全自我投入,他也期望我能一樣(除非你進入最好的學,不然你什麼都達不到!)。雖然我不曾有壓力要討好他,但是在他第一次告訴我看起來胖之後,我開始節食了。
那個時後,我只知道我必須變瘦 – 比任何人都瘦。每一個月我的父親都要去歐洲一個星期左右,在他離開的日子理,難過和空虛啃蝕著我 – 爸爸離開了。然後,我轉便成專注在一個不可思議的虛脫 – 一種由饑餓產生無可藥救的孩童氣情蓄。我希望知道我需要被照顧;也許爸爸會照顧我。


在第一段話提到的  “anorexia nervosa” 是什麼意思?


(A) 它是一個人不善於表達的感情。

(B) 它是描寫一種沒有安全感的情況。

  (C) 它是指那些情緒不穩定的人。    

(D) 它是一種令人想要停止進食的疾病(厭食症)。





(A) 她被她的父親告知她要自己照顧自己。

(B) 她想要進入最好的大學。


(C) 她想要得到她父親的注意。

(D) 她在一個貧窮的家庭長大。





(A) 她不能控制她的脾氣。

(B) 她對自己工作努力達到成功感到驕傲。


(C) 她自孩童時期就對自己非常有自信。

(D) 她改變了她父親的自我表達方式。





(A) 去責怪她的父親。

(B) 去告發一宗虐童案件。


(C) 去回憶一段成長的過程。

(D) 去教別人如何減肥。


第54 至56 題為題組
Africa is a land of many ethnic groups, but when Europeans carved Africa into colonies, they gave no consideration to the territories of African ethnic groups. Some borderlines were drawn that split same groups into different colonies. Other borders threw different groups together. Sometimes the groups thrown together were enemies.
When the colonies became independent nations, these same borderlines were often maintained. Today, the Somali people remain split among Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Djibouti. On the other hand, almost every African nation is home to more than one ethnic group. In Nigeria, for example, live the Hausa, the Fulani, the Yoruba, the Ibo, and many smaller groups.
Conflicts have arisen over the way in which ethnic groups were split apart and thrown together. For example, a war between Somalia and Ethiopia was fought because Somalis wanted all their people to be a part of one nation. A civil war in Nigeria, on the other hand, was triggered partly by conflicts between ethnic groups within that nation. Similar conflicts between ethnic groups arose in Chad, Zaire, and Burundi as well. One principal goal among African nations today, therefore, is to help make it possible for their many ethnic groups to live together in peace.


What happened to the territorial lines drawn in Africa by the Europeans?


(A) They disappeared as the Europeans no longer ruled the colonies.


(B) They were respected by different ethnic groups.


(C) They became borders between countries.


(D) They became war memorials.


What does the author think to be a reason for conflicts among the Africans?


(A) Most ethnic groups have established their own countries.


(B) One ethnic group is broken up among different countries.


(C) Some Europeans invaded Africa to increase their colonies.


(D) African nations fought the Europeans to expand their territories.


What is the best title for the passage?


(A) War and Peace in Africa


(B) Africa: Borderlines Misplaced


(C) European Colonization of Africa


 (D) Africa Recovered and Reconstructed


(Sometimes the groups thrown together were enemies.
                            主詞             分詞片語        動詞
這種句子的動詞常另令人混沌,thrown together 是一個分詞片語 (文法書 p.143),;分詞片語是當作形容詞使用,本句是用來修飾主詞groups)

當殖民地成為獨立國家的時候,這些邊界通常都被保留。目前,Somali人仍然被分割在 Ethiopia、Kenya、Somalia和Djibouti等境內。在另一方面,幾乎每一個非洲國家有不同種族 的人。以Nigeria為例,有Hausa族、Fulani族、Yoruba族、Ibo族和許多少數族群。



  (A) 當歐洲人不再統治非洲時它們消失了。

(B) 它們被不同的種族遵從。


(C) 它們成為各個國家的邊界。

(D) 它們成為戰爭的紀念。





(A) 大多數的種族都建立了他們自己的國家。



(B) 一個種族被分裂在不同的國家中。



(C) 有些歐洲人侵略非洲為了增加他們的殖民地。


(D) 非洲國家和歐洲人戰爭以擴張他們的領土。





(A) 非洲的戰爭與和平。

(B) 非洲:邊界錯劃


(C) 歐洲人殖民非洲

(D) 非洲的復建和重建


第貳部分: 非選擇題( 28分)
一、中譯英( 8分)
1. 全球糧食危機已經在世界許多地區造成嚴重的社會問題
    主詞 完成式 動詞 受詞

The world’s food crisis has already caused major society problems in many different regions.

  主詞 完成式動詞   受詞 介係詞片語  

2. 專家警告我們不應該再將食物價格低廉視為理所當然
  主詞 動詞 主詞 動詞    
  主要子句 從屬子句      

Experts warn that we shouldn’t take low food prices for granted any more.

  主詞 動詞   主詞 動詞 受詞 介係詞片語 副詞
  主要子句 從屬子句名詞子句(文法書p.220)      

二、英文作文( 佔2 0 分)

提示:廣告在我們生活中隨處可見。請寫一篇大約120-150 字的短文,介紹一則令你印象 深刻的電視或平面廣告。第一段描述該廣告的內容(如:主題、故事情節、音樂、 畫面等),第二段說明該廣告令你印象深刻的原因。

   Heineken commercials always make strong impressions on me. The setting of my favorite commercial is in a bar. The music in the background sings, “Tell me when you will be mine, tell me cuando cuando cuando....” A man is digging into an ice bucket searching for a beer. He grabs a beer, looks at it unsatisfied, and puts it back. He gets another beer, looks at it again, and puts it back. The icy water is very cold and you can tell that his hands are almost frozen. After a few attempts, he finally finds a Heineken, smiles, opens it up, and goes to find his buddies. When he finally joins his buddies, you see that all of them have a Heineken in their hand, and their hands are also shivering vigorously.
        This commercial gives me a strong impression because the facial expression of the guy digging for his favorite beer is very funny. I also like the song in the background for it fits the scene very well. But the best part is when he joins his buddies to realize that all their hands are shivering because they too were digging in the ice bucket for a Heineken. This commercial fulfills the purpose of leaving consumers with the idea that Heineken is far better than other brands in a humorous way.









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